
Fox Valley Web Admin

GIS Project Types, Utility system mapping, Street and right of way asset maps, Planning and zoning parcel maps, Facilities management, Detailed base-mapping, Park surveys and tree inventory, Wetland delineation mapping, Transportation and logistical analysis, Demographic trends visualization and analysis, Automated mapping and cartography, Data capture and conversion including GPS, Database design and development, ArcGIS Online and mobile GIS configuration, Integration and conversion of CAD data, 2D and 3D site location modeling, Mailing address generation, System design, implementation, and maintenance, GIS system consultation, training, and support, Customized GIS solutions,wisconsin website designers,fox valley web design,Robert E. Lee & Associates, Inc.

Rober E. Lee & Associates provides the following services to clients in Wisconsin & Michigan: Boundary Surveying, Area Development Plans, Subdivision Plats, Certified Survey Maps, Condominium Plats, Plat of Surveys, Alta/acsm Surveys, Easement Surveys, Right-of-Way Plats, Topographic Maps, FEMA Related Surveying, Elevation Certificates, Letter of Map Amendments (LOMA), Letter of Map Revision (LOMR), Construction Surveying, Foundation / Building Layout, Bridge / Structure Layout, Utility Layout, Street / Highway Layout, Plat of Surveys, Storm Water Drainage / Pond Layout, Easement Surveys, Utility Surveying, Geographic Information System (GIS) Mapping, Route Surveys, Construction Staking, “As-Built” Surveys, Flood Plain Surveys, Municipal Systems Maps, Miscellaneous Surveying, Topographic Surveys, Ground Control Surveys